If you have problems in the finances of your company due to the excessive expense of fuel in your trucks or you experience constant breakdowns in your fleets due to speeding or the bad handling of your drivers, then we have a great technological solution that could help you: Virtual Master Driver (VMD) the new in assistance in driving trucks.
VMD is the best way to achieve that the drivers adjust to the way of handling with good practices, achieving a considerable reduction in fuel consumption, as well as prolonging the useful life of the assets.
- VMD obtains information directly from ECM in real time through a non-invasive connection in the CANBUS.
- Through a device installed in the unit, the operator can receive information about its operation and correct the events that are reported. (RPM, Speed, Idling, Etc.)
- Those in charge of supervising the operation may have access to a ranking by unit where they can obtain information about the operation that an operator had after a trip ended.
- Evaluates the operators of the company and helps correct bad habits in the handling of the units.
- Generates savings in Fuel, Maintenance and Repairs.
- With the correct implementation of VMD, fuel consumption can be reduced by up to 5%.
Use of braking assistance (retarder, motor brake, etc.)
Efficient cruise control
In Sitrack we seek to be an ally in the prevention of accidents.
If you have any requirement or query, leave us your information and we will contact you shortly.
- RPM information
- Proper handling
- Speed
- Distance traveled
- Fuel consumed
- Accumulated fuel consumption
- Fuel efficiency
- Significantly improves driving habits
- Effective risk management tool
- Information available on the platform
- Improve social and corporate responsibility